Eagle Annuals
This page lists the new Dan Dares adventures in Eagle Annuals from the first annual
of the new Eagle onwards.
Eagle Annual 1983
Menace of the Mekon | Ian Kennedy | author unknown |
Dan and friend are beamed up from a fairground by the Mekon. Dan escapes from
torture and captures the Mekon, he attempts to return to earth in the Mekons
escape craft but the mekon escapes in the escape crafts' escape capsule.
Return of the Mekon | Artist: Gerry Embleton | | Authors: Pat Mills/John Wagner |
Reprint from Eagle no 1, 27 March '82.
Eagle Annual 1984
Untitled | Artist: Oliver Frey | | Author: unknown |
Dan Dare, Helen Scott and Sugar Joe Robinson are on space station Mega 9 in Mars
orbit when they are attacked by treens, they eventually escape to Mars.
Untitled | Artist: Oliver Frey | | Author: unknown |
Whilst holidaying on Moonbase Enjoysville, Dan is attacked by a security guard
who has been posessed by the Mekon by means of a capsule injected into his
Eagle Annual 1985
Untitled | Artist: Oliver Frey | | Author: unknown |
Earth Fort is under attack from the Mekon, Dan Dare is saved by a shape shifter
from the planet Impi.
Eagle Annual 1986
Untitled | Artist: Keith Page | | Author: unknown |
The Collossus of Rados, a kind of Mt. Rushmore carved into the side of an active
volcano is under threat from the increasing activity of the volcano, an eruption
causes a nearby prison to open up, releasing dangerous prisoners. Dan Dare is
sent in to deal with the problem.
Eagle Annual 1987
Untitled | Artist: J.B. Higgins | | Author: Unknown |
Digby and Robo-1 are captured by the Mekon and used as hostages to entice Dan to
the Moon, where he is captured. The Mekon attempts to kill the 3 captives by
gassing them with Venusian swamp gas but there is an explosion and they escape
Eagle Annual 1988
Untitled | Artist: Redondo | | Authors: unknown |
The Mekon captures a space freighter, Dan and Co. arrive too late. In
retalliation they make a daring raid on Venus to get the Mekon whilst in his
food bath, guarded by zoms.
Eagle Annual 1989
Untitled | Artist: Redondo | | Authors: unknown |
Space Station XK-27 is captured by the Mekon, on thier way to the station, Dan
Dare and his Eagles, aboard the Britannia Eagle are teleported by one of the
Mekons' devices to a distant galaxy where they battle the Pulpons, after
defeating them they return to foil the Mekons' Earth invasion.
Eagle Annual 1990
Untitled | Artist: Keith Page | | Author: unknown |
Dan and Velvet O'Neal follow the Mekon to the Dormiscean Federation Games on
Phabros, where shape changing treens are trying to assasinate the Thane of
Eagle Annual 1991
Untitled | Artist: David Pugh | | Author: unknown |
On Centuri 4 the giant tank Warspite loses control and releases prisoner
Gendibal Raath, who fuses with the tanks' computer, he is eventually destroyed
when Dan hits upon the idea of beaming too much information at him, overloading
the tanks' circuits.
Eagle Yearbook 1992
Untitled | Artist: Jon Haward | | Author: unknown |
Dan and Digby visit the Zelthon B colony which has been destroyed by an alien
monster, the monster is eventually killed by Digbys' cold virus.
Untitled | Artist: Jon Haward | | Author: unknown |
The Mekon hijacks a cargo vessel and takes it towards Earth. As it approaches
Dan is suspicious and when invited aboard, he and Digby are prepared for a treen
ambush. A fight ensues, but the Mekon escapes.
Thanks to Roy Maclean for his incredible artist spotting abilities!
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© Andrew Paul '96