Andrew Paul's Linkpage
Here's a page of links that I have pulled from my bookmark file, I hope you find them useful/interesting/amusing!
Some interesting links...
Directories & search engines
Places where I can be found
- University of Central Lancashire: where I am studying, you won't find any evidence of me here as the uni is not giving homepages to it's students.
- Firefly: a music site where I have a page under the name of "The_Mekon" .
- NetCentral Chat: a Christian talker, I'm sometimes logged on here in th CCM room with the handle of Mekon.
- MBa4: a talker based on Mars, I call myself Mekon here as well.
- SnowPlains:
another talker, where I also call myself Mekon :)
- AuroraMUSH: A MUSH... Mekon here too.
- Hall of Fame: a MUD... I'm called Endorphin here.
- Zebedee: another MUD... another Endorphin.
- MarlDOoM &
WisDOoM: I'm Mekon, playing scrabble.
- Christian Pursuit: a BBS and talker.
Christian links.
Science and Technology.
People I know with web pages.
Most of these people the Nexus BBS at the University of Central Lancs, so I know
them in real life, here they are with thier Nexus usernames.
- Ian Beckwith aka Valis, go to the Nexus homepage from here .
- Colin Bell aka Wile E.Coyote - 6-8pm(GMT).
or the 24 Hour Version.
- Carey Blunt aka Boffin, download his HTML editor.
- Neal Brown aka Sherlock Holmes - consulting detective.
- Richard Harrison aka Uggy, paranormal links.
- Ady Hart aka
Malus, here as well!
- Athanasios Kotsenos aka Goofy, was once new webpage.
- Pauline Oxman aka Frog, Roleplaying, biology, archery and more.
- Anthony Riley aka Gandalf, a Christian webpage.
- Huw Roberts aka Cymro, find out about the Uni. of Central Lancs. Christian Union.
- Chris Snook aka Snookie, contains his Doctor Who guide and his own short stories.
Assorted oddments.
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Times since 6th May 1996
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© Andrew Paul '96